Monday 31 October 2011

Shedual Homework!

Week1-Monday(7th of November)
1)Find Out When The Theater Is free and when can we use it.
2) Make Sure that we can use the drama room
3)get our props for the video ( that the job of the props director
4) take some flash back scenes for the music video( making it relate back to the song)
5)Take some close up shots of the protagonist/ and take some mid shots as well.
6)Record Warda Singing the song on the Macs/ Making sure that she knows the song .

Week 2-
1)Make sure that the flashbacks are edited
2)Take a camera out of school, and take some footage of different scenes around our areas
3)Make  sure the protagonist is all dressed up and ready to take some footage
4)Make sure that the props are all set, for shooting
5) Make sure that we have enough footage , check through our time-line and storyboard match and check if anything is missing.

Week 3-
1)Check through that all our footage is ready for editing and if anything is missing, we film it and check over our storyboard and time-line again
2) Start Editing on Macs
3) Making sure that our footage is updated if we deiced to do shot some extra if we have more time
4) Making sure that we are editing properly, staying after school and doing some extra editing.

Week 4-
1)Make Sure that our Editing is Nearly Done.
2)Making sure that our storyboard and time-line match with the footage that we have taken
3)Make Sure Are Editing Is Done.

Presentation- Feedbacks for each group

Group 1-  questions for them : 1) can you show us the music video?
What have i learned is that there is  a really busy man and that they want to make a music video that - (I'm no superman- Lazo Bane)

Group 3 -  i like how they all know where they are going to be and they have thought about each location.  (there song is nick Jonas give love a try)

Group 4 ( Anthony) - N-dubz you should have put something on)
The more

Story Board

Monday 17 October 2011

Analysing Lyrics- Your The Reason.

I don't want to make a scene 
I don't want to let you down                               
Try to do my own thing
And I'm starting to figure it out
Cause it's alright
Keep it together wherever we go
And it's alright, oh well, whatever
Everybody needs to know

You might be crazy
Have I told you lately that I love you?                        
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly   
And it's crazy that someone could change me                 
Now no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try
And you need to know that you're the reason...why
I don't even care when they say
You're a little bit off
Look em' in the eye, I say
I could never get enough
'Cause it's alright

Keep it together wherever we go
And it's alright, oh well, whatever
Everybody needs to know                          
You might be crazy   
Have I told you lately that I love you?
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly
And it's crazy that someone could change me                  
Now no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try
And you need to know that you're the reason...why
If it was raining, you would yell at the sun
Pick up the pieces when the damage is done
You say it's just another day in the shade
But look at what a mess we made
You might be crazy
Have I told you lately that I love you?
You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly
And it's crazy that someone could change me
Now no matter what it is I have to do, I'm not afraid to try

You might be crazy have i told you lately that i love you?
You're the only reason that im not afraid to fly
And it's crazy that someone could change me
Now no matter what it is i have to im not afraid to try
And you need to know that you're the reason why 

My Mood Board!

Monday 10 October 2011

What Have I Done Today? =J

What I Have Done.
I have analyzed the risk assessment, finding out what possible risks that could take place in our locations and how they can be overcome or stopped.
I have also made my mood board, by creating a background which will have pictures of how we intend our music video should come out like.

Planing- Music Video!

Risk assessment for each location 
    A Risk Assessment is a systematic method of looking at work activities, considering what could go wrong, and deciding on suitable control measures to prevent loss, damage or injury in the workplace. The Assessment should include the controls required to eliminate, reduce or minimize the risks.
    Drama Room
    Possible Risks:
    1) Falling Over Props 
    2)slipping over a drink spillage
    3)Tripping over a wire 
    4)Unstable shelves 
    5)not having a fire exit

    How Will You Overcome These Risks? :

    1) This could be avoided by checking that all props are in the right place and in the right position this is the job has to be done before the video.
    2) This could be avoided by not allowing people(cast or crew) to bring drinks or food on set.
    3) We could avoid this by by checking that there are no wires were the crew can trip over, by checking before you start shooting.
     4) This could be avoided by checking if there are shelf's, check that they are stable and are not likely to cause a hazard.
    5) This could be avoided by checking that were ever we shoot our music video there is a fire exit, in case a fire happens to start.

    Locations list
    - Transport Musem 
    - Park
    - Behind Nandos

    Ask artist for permission via Email, Twitter, MySpace Etc (Music)
    Videos only)

        Crew list 
        Warda Ridwan- Protagonist
        Sabeena khanum- Props
        Shuma Begum- Camera/Director

          Shot list
          Close up
          Mid Shot

          Film test footage/pictures of location recce


          Planning rest of Mise En Scene (clothing, props, make-up, effects etc)

            Sunday 9 October 2011

            Reviewing - A video created by BTEC students last year.

            • Narrative
             The narrative of this music video is to portray the protagonist in a way where the audience can see that the story is based around him and his current emotions towards the world and his/her life.

            • Mise En Scene
            They had worn there own clothes and brought there own props they need for the music video.
            • Type (Performance, Narrative, concept, mixed)
            This Music video is a mixed video because its tells a story and it also has a meaning behind the video and what kind of message that it is trying to get across to their viewers.
            • How well it follows conventions of hip-hop music video
            I Think it follows very well in concepts of  hip-hop music videos that are around these days and it really works well with how a typical hiphop or RnB Music video would look like and sound like.

            Monday 3 October 2011

            Our Music Video-Plan!

            The Song: Your The Reason By Victoria Justice

            Music Video:
            This is a video performance from the show victorious which is on nickelodeon.  We chose this song because we were inspired by the song and we were also inspired by three artist Selena Gomez- Who says and Kate Perry's - Last Friday Night and Victoria Justice-
            Type of Music Video:
            This music Video is a concept music video
             We are going to use :

             What Will Happen During The Video:
            In this music video that we will be producing involves the protagonist  Singing the song and going around the room, which is messed up after she has thrown a big party and is expressing her feelings towards her sister/ boyfriend or family.
             We are going to go outside of school
            Protagonist: Warda
            Camera: Shuma 
            Props: Sabeena