Monday 9 January 2012

Music Video - Evaluation

1. How well did you work in a group? Give specific examples.

In a group we worked well together as a group because we all had the same idea of how we wanted our music video to turn out,which i think made us motivated  to finish off our music video as well when it came to the editing.

2. What difficulties did you overcome in the production of the video and how did you overcome them?

There were many difficulties when it came to thinking about the concept of our music video, we couldn't decide if we wanted it to have a story line or if we wanted it to be a Performance, Narrative, concept or just mixed, we couldn't decide so we came together and decided it would be a concept music video.

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?

i learn t that we could have made improvements in some ways but over all the general feedback we got back from the audience on YouTube and on the internet.