Thursday 24 May 2012


  • Research into film/music video directors
researching other music video's and seeing how other director's did their music video's helps give an understanding on what level your music video should match their level of professionalism, it also helps find out what kind of concept their documentary has this could help you to figure out what you want to get across through your music video.
  • Treatment
 Finding out what kind of treatment other people have come up with and finding out their concept could really help you to decide what kind of message you want to get across to your target audience. also researching  a treatment method could also improve yours in many ways.
  • Mood board 
 Making a mood board helps prepare for you music video because it shows you visually what is going on in your music video it also helps you to figure out what is missing in your music video. finding other people's mood board also gives you a kick start in starting yours.

  • Risk assessment for each location 
Finding out what risk's that might take place helps make sure you know the types of accidents that might happen and how your going to solve these problems. also finding out what types of hazards and accidents that might occur could help others to prevent them from happening.

  • Ask artist for permission via Email, Twitter, My Space Etc (Music Videos only)
Asking for permission from the artist will help with starting your music video because having permission from the artist will give you some motivation in starting and finishing off your music video. 

  • Timeline analysis of chosen song  (Music Videos only)
Time analysis will help make sure you know whats going to happen in each step of the music video you want to create, this also allows you to numerically see whats going on in your music video. also having a time analysis of your music video will also helps make sure you don't miss out anything from your music video. 

  • Storyboard 
Having a storyboard set up will help visualize what your music video might turn out like and how you want it to turn out, this will give you a clear look into what your music video might include, also having a storyboard will

  • Animatic

  • Crew list 

  • Shot list

  • Locations list

  • Budget 

  • Film test footage/pictures of location reccy 

  • Planning rest of Mise En Scene (clothing, props, make-up, effects etc)

  • Pitch to gain feedback (presentation to the class about the ideas) 

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